Saturday, May 17, 2008

Taste of USA - The Beginning

Welcome to Taste of USA!
This is your cruise director speaking! (I always did want to be Julie McCoy when I was younger!) Get ready for a fun time with Taste of USA sponsored by our very own! Along the way, you're probably going to learn a lot about me, some interesting tidbits about each state and hopefully we will learn from you and other readers what the locals love most about their state. Don't forget, the state with the most participants and the best creativity will win a party with's very own, Claudia Beeny! (and the crowd goes wild! Ahhhh!) Not only will she bring her-fun-creative-self along with great prizes and good time had by all, but you will get to help shape the creative future of How does this work, you ask? Highlowaha will announce the states that are due to be featured in the coming week. Go there now to see who is up this week! On the day a state is posted, anyone can post. Tell us about your vacation to this state, give a shout to a friend that lives in the state. Heck, call or email that friend now and ask them to check out the fun, or maybe you just have a funny story or joke about the state. Anything goes and everyone is allowed to share on that states day. If you have a photo that you would like to share, send it to and I will get it posted! If you are from one of the states featured in the week, come back on the designated date (usually Friday's but double check) and post your favorite thing about your state or even your town. It can be anything! This is your chance to tell us what you are most proud of in your area. You get points for posting. How would you like to earn some extra points for your state? There will be a new challenge each week. Get extra points that week for performing the challenge. The challenges will be announced at the beginning of the week. Complete the challenge by the end of the week and post these items on your assigned posting day. Some challenges will involve photos. You will email the photos to Did you say, "Darn, I missed my state!" Don't worry! Keep participating with the other states that you have visited and know other people in. And keep checking back! There will be an announcement for make-up days! Just like in school! Clear as mud? Hopefully that explains it but if you have any questions, please just post them and we will do our best to answer them. Don't forget: Participation & Creativity! That's what's really going to count!
So, dust off your pom-poms,
be sure to do some stretches
(especially if you're anything like me), and get ready to tell us what your state is made of!


Anonymous said...

I'm SO excited...

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Nice job! Cheryl, everything looks great. Who will be the winning state? That is the question.