Saturday, May 30, 2009
Freedom Rocks!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Every Vote Counts!

From the Independence Bracket,

And from the Liberty Bracket,

Vote over there--->>
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!

I was about to have a fit when I saw Indiana's state bird was the Cardinal! It's a conspiracy, I tell you but New York broke the streak by having the Brook Trout as their state bird.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
It's Independence Day!

Let's check the map! Would Virginia's destination be Richmond? Many moons ago, I spent the weekend in Norfolk. Maybe there. What about Ohio? Tera and Treye, where are you? Are we coming to you this year? It's the three C's. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati- which is actually in Kentucky! Too confusing.
Okay, and I need that big mouth bass from Fancy Flours over here! All four states that have entered the semi-finals have the same state bird... the cardinal. I don't know, but something is fishy!
Vote! Over there------->>>>
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Let Freedom Ring!
I'm guessing that if Illinois wins the best place to fly in is Chicago but we could fly into St. Louis and drive over to somewhere fun in Illinois. And, we have the same situation with Kentucky. Would we fly into Louisville where we already have a lot of readers or would we fly into Cincinnati and drive to Kentucky?
Can you answer these questions for me? Between these two states, where do you want to go? And, I'm not just talking state... what city, town or farm?
Please don't say camp grounds, please don't say camp grounds! Don't mind me. Go vote!
Over there---->>>>
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The quiet before the storm...
Tuesday will be the Freedom Bracket:
Kentucky will duke it out with yesterdays winner Illinois.
Wednesday will be the Independence Bracket:
Virginia will battle it out with yesterdays winner Ohio.
Thursday will be the Liberty Bracket:
Indiana- state de la Cassie- goes up against New York.
The winners of the above competitions are our winners of each bracket. Taste of USA will be decided on Friday between those three states! Got it? Good!
Now go have a great Memorial Day weekend with your peeps!
I feel ick.
Plain and simple.
Vote over there------>>>
Freedom Bracket:
Georgia or Illinois
Independence Bracket:
Ohio or Arizona
Liberty Bracket:
Oklahoma or New York
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Round 3 and Oopsie!
So today in both the Independence and Liberty Brackets you will be deciding between three states. Make it count.
Round Three!
Freedom Bracket: Would rather go to Kentucky or California?
Independence Bracket: Choose between Alabama, Louisiana and Virginia.
Liberty Bracket: Will it be Texas, West Virginia or Indiana?
Vote over there---->>>>>
Peggy and Robin actually read the Monday post and entered a poem for a drawing and Peggy you won! I'm off to Hobby Lobby to find my magical item. I hope it's still there but if it's not there's lots of other magic that I can choose.
Where do you want to go?
Freedom Bracket:
Iowa or Arizona
Independence Bracket:
Florida or Illinois
Liberty Bracket:
Mississippi or New York
Vote over there------>>>>>>
I am kicking myself for not squeezing in sometime yesterday to update the brackets. I'm going off the notes in my Planner Pad. I do know that we will have a winner next Friday!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday Madness
Freedom Bracket:
Ohio or Tennessee, oh, where will it be?
Independence Bracket:
Georgia or South Carolina, will it be here or there?
Liberty Bracket:
Kansas or Oklahoma, as long as you come to party with us, I don't care!
Vote Over There----->>>>
Write your own poem in the comment section and be entered into a drawing for something from Hobby Lobby... it's kind of like door #1 or door #2 but it's a whole store for me to choose from... I kind of know what I have in mind but I'm not sure if it's there so, you'll just have to wait and see!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Rounding out the week
Advancing to the second round were:
Tennessee over Missouri 8-5
South Carolina over Montana 8-5
Oklahoma over Wisconsin 9-4
Iowa over New Hampshire 7-4
Florida over Nevada 8-3
Connecticut over Mississippi 6-5
Then we started Round 2 and the victors were:
Arizona over North Dakota 13-0
Illinois over Wyoming 10-2
New York over Rhode Island 9-3
Alabama over Pennsylvania 10-7
Kentucky over Maine 16-2
Texas over North Carolina 10 -8
California over Michigan 9-5
Tennessee over West Virginia 13-1
And how did this happen? We have our first tie! Virginia and Louisiana tied 7-7. The rules will have to be written on a tie and I will get back to you on what I am going to do about that.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Good Times
Today's contestants are:
Freedom Bracket:
Lousiana or Virginia
Independence Bracket:
Michigan or California
Liberty Bracket:
West Virginia or Tennessee
I'd write more but boy am I tired from having all these.... GOOD TIMES!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ding, Ding, Ding! Round 2
Freedom Bracket:
Pennsylvania or Alabama, where do you want to go? We went to Pennsylvania last year... will Alabama be able to beat them Pennsylvania today?
Independence Bracket:
I wasn't surprised Kentucky won over Maine with all the readers that we have there but I was surprised that Arkansas won over New Mexico. So can Arkansas win over Kentucky?
Liberty Bracket:
Up in the Liberty Bracket is Texas and North Carolina. North Carolina just barely squeaked by Colorado last week. Will they be able to take over the Lone Star State?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Whacky Wednesday
and while you're at it whack your brains and tell me where you think we should go in each of the following six states. If you enter the cities you would like us to go, you will be entered in a drawing for some yummy Starbucks!
Freedom Bracket:
North Dakota or Arizona
Independence Bracket:
Wyoming or Illinois
Liberty Bracket:
Rhode Island or New York
Good luck my friends.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Just the Vote...
VOTE over there-------->>>
Freedom: New Hampshire vs. Iowa...where?
Independence: Nevada vs. Florida...what happens in Vegas or Mickey Mouse!
Liberty: Mississippi vs. Connecticut...you tell me...
VOTE over there -------->>>
Monday, May 11, 2009
What Road Will We Take?
Don't forget, you are voting for where YOU want to go! Please consider joining us for a fun-filled Saturday in September!
Freedom Bracket:
Missouri or Tennessee? What would the be? The St. Louis Arch against Nashville? Hmm...
VOTE ------------------->>>
Independence Bracket:
Montana (That's you MT Kelly) up against South Carolina. Uh oh. A bunch of us wanted to visit Charleston and Savannah... will this be our chance?
VOTE ------------------->>>
Liberty Bracket:
Wisconsin- oh the Cheese Heads! Football season will be in full swing... would Matt be willing to give up Struble Suds for a Saturday? And it's competitor is Oklahoma- the land of Margaret.
On your mark, get set, go vote!
VOTE ------------------->>> Polls will open when I get them posted in the morning... around 6:30am CST.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
First Week Round Up
Freedom Bracket:
Pennsylvania will meet Alabama on May 14
Louisiana will meet Virginia on May 15
Ohio advanced to the second round and will meet the winner of the Missouri/Tennessee match up.
Independence Bracket:
Kentucky will meet Arkansas on May 14
Michigan will meet California on May 15
Georgia advanced to the second round and is set to meet the winner of Montana/South Carolina that is being held Monday.
Liberty Bracket:
Texas goes up against North Carolina on May 14
West Virginia competes against Indiana on May 15
Kansas will battle it out with the winner of Wisconsin and Oklahoma that is scheduled for next Monday.
See you on Monday!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Pick Your States Not Your Nose!
5th day of voting and after today you don't have to come back until Monday when Round 1 will continue. But let's focus on today.
Vote 3 times over there --------->>>>
Freedom: Ohio vs. Maryland
Tera and Treye are in Ohio, right? Hmmm.... Can Maryland crab cakes take over Tera and Treye in Ohio? We shall see.
Independence: Georgia vs. Vermont The peach battles maple syrup! I know, let's pour some maple syrup on grilled peaches! Did I just make that recipe up?
Liberty: Massachusetts vs. Kansas The home of the Boston Tea party battles the largest ball of string... sing it loud, sing it proud- where do you want to go?
VOTE OVER THERE-----> cha-cha-cha... I'll give you a recap tomorrow. Isn't it liberating to be silly. Go ahead. Try it!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Where Do You Want to Go? Hmmm?
Vote 3 times. Over there----------->
Freedom: Oregon vs. Virginia
Independence: Idaho vs. California
Liberty: South Dakota vs. Indiana
Vote over there------------------------>
Hey, I'm not doing ALL the work. Of those six states where do you think the most viable and fun place would be to go. Disneyland. I'm just saying, Claudia!
Voting will last until approximately 6:00am CST or until I change it in the morning.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 3 ~ Where will it be?
Freedom: Utah vs. Louisiana
We'll be busy as bees in the Beehive State. Salt Lake City is really the best place to fly into and we could trek up the mountain to see my old stomping ground Park City and it is beautiful there. If Louisiana wins, then the only place I can even dream of is New Orleans! Here come the saints, bom, bom, bom, bom. Sing it with me. Here come the saints
Vote ---------------------------->
Independence: Washington vs. Michigan
Both are Northern states. One on the West Coast. One in the mid West. When you say Washington, all I can think of is Seattle! Space Needle. Pikes Market. Lots of yummy, fresh seafood. When you say Michigan, I think Detroit. When you say Detroit, I think cars. When you say cars, I think I want a new one. Who's going to win this round?
Vote ---------------------------->
Liberty: West Virginia vs. Minnesota
I've got music stuck in my head today... right now I hear John Denver singing, "West Virginia, Mountain Momma, take me home, country roads..." Thank goodness you don't have to HEAR ME singing that! Whew. And for Minnesota... no. Wait. No. I don't have a song for Minnesota but we could go to Minneapolis! Where do you want to go?
Vote ---------------------------->
Voting will be from 7:00 am to 6:00 am (CST) tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Where do you want to go?
Voting will be from 7:00 am to 6:00 am (CST) the next day. Unless I oversleep. Or forget. Then it will be later.
Vote in the sidebar 3 times ---------------------------->
The Heart of Dixie or the Garden State? This isn't the East vs. West that Julie and Tera were planning. It's more of the North vs. South. My favorite place in Alabama is on the shoreline near Gulf Shores but New Jersey has some coast line, too. Let's see- we have a few choices with Alabama- Birmingham, Mobile or Montgomery, I think. For New Jersey, would we fly into Newark? Or would fly into NYC and head over to New Jersey?
Vote ---------------------------->
Independence: Arkansas vs. New Mexico
The Land of Opportunity vs. The Land of Enchantment. That is one tough choice! Arkansas would most likely see us in Little Rock. And, New Mexico would maybe be Albuquerque or Santa Fe. I'd like some Enchanting Opportunity please.
Vote ---------------------------->
Liberty: Colorado vs. North Carolina.
The Rocky Mountains vs. the Blue Ridge Mountains- peak to peak! If Colorado was to win we would surely be visiting Denver. North Carolina would probably be Charlotte or Raleigh. What do you think?
Now, I'm just throwing out suggestions so feel free to chime in and suggest a city in these states!
Monday, May 4, 2009
First day of voting.... where do you want to go?
So, where do you want to go?
Vote ---------------------------->
Freedom: Pennsylvania vs. Nebraska
How will reigning champ do against the cowboys of Nebraska? Last year we visited a rainy Philadelphia. If Pennsylvania was to win again would we try Pittsburgh? Or, could we be having our meeting collecting wildflowers in an open field of Nebraska while hunting windmills?
Vote ---------------------------->
Independence: Kentucky vs. Maine
We have a lot of readers in Kentucky while I think Maine has very few to none. Will we hit the home state of Heather and Katie or will be dipping into Maine's lobster feast?
Vote ---------------------------->
Liberty: Texas vs. Delaware
The big Lone Star State battles Delaware. Heck, we could probably visit a bunch of state if Delaware wins. If Texas wins we could host in here in our hometown of the DFW metroplex or we could head south to Austin and visit Chaotic. Don't forget about Woodside Farm Creamery that we learned about last year... it's in Delaware and you know how Claudia loves ice cream. I mean... who doesn't?
Vote ---------------------------->