Let's check the map! Would Virginia's destination be Richmond? Many moons ago, I spent the weekend in Norfolk. Maybe there. What about Ohio? Tera and Treye, where are you? Are we coming to you this year? It's the three C's. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati- which is actually in Kentucky! Too confusing.
Okay, and I need that big mouth bass from Fancy Flours over here! All four states that have entered the semi-finals have the same state bird... the cardinal. I don't know, but something is fishy!
Vote! Over there------->>>>
Kentucky beat Illinois 15-5
I just need Ohio and Indiana to pull out the wins now and it'll be a clean sweep for my favorites!
cinci isnt actually in KY, it is in OH. Its the airport that is actually not the cinci airport, its in northern KY.
come play with treye and i. lots to do in cleveland :)
I want to go to Ohio over Virginia! While VA is a great state, I want to travel out of state for this thing! Come on, Ohio!
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