Friday, May 8, 2009

Pick Your States Not Your Nose!

Ha! Ha! I crack me up. Friday! Friday! Yay!

5th day of voting and after today you don't have to come back until Monday when Round 1 will continue. But let's focus on today.

Vote 3 times over there --------->>>>

Freedom: Ohio vs. Maryland
Tera and Treye are in Ohio, right? Hmmm.... Can Maryland crab cakes take over Tera and Treye in Ohio? We shall see.


Independence: Georgia vs. Vermont The peach battles maple syrup! I know, let's pour some maple syrup on grilled peaches! Did I just make that recipe up?


Liberty: Massachusetts vs. Kansas The home of the Boston Tea party battles the largest ball of string... sing it loud, sing it proud- where do you want to go?

VOTE OVER THERE-----> cha-cha-cha... I'll give you a recap tomorrow. Isn't it liberating to be silly. Go ahead. Try it!

1 comment:

Cheryl Houston said...

Yesterday... virginia over OR 9-3, CA over ID 9-3 & Indiana over SD 11-1